art block

 Hey readers!

Happy new year! I'm sure all of us have unofficial ambitions for this year, like finishing an extremely long TBR or filling as many sketchbooks as possible. Those are my major two goals for this year. A while ago, I found myself in a very uncreative state. I couldn't come up with anything to draw and whatever I did draw, I hated, because I felt like I didn't have a uniqueness to my art or a distinctive style. If you find yourself in a similar state, don't worry! I'm sure most artists go through such a phase many times. In this post, I'm gonna share a few tips that will hopefully get you out of your creative slump.

1. Stop searching for your style!
I know this might seem contrary to the custom, but hear me out. If you just focus on improving the art skills you have and just keep creating and exploring, your style will eventually find you. Remember, the wand chooses the wizard!

2. Look at references
Don't force your brain to come up with ideas. Just look at some reference pictures and start drawing. Once you start, you will feel much more creative

3. Experiment!
Maybe you don't like the current medium you're creating with or maybe you just need to switch up what you're drawing. Just experimenting with different styles and mediums is something I find very creatively boosting.

4. Find what inspires you
When you're scrolling through Pinterest, do you ever find a pin that really catches your eye and inspires you to create? For me usually, its mostly because of the colour palette. At times like this what I like to do is take inspiration from the color palette and create something. Other things that inspire me are pictures of artists painting in a studio or even a book cover with pretty illustrations. Try to find what inspires you and create something using the elements in it. Here are some pins that inspire me:

That's all I have for you! Hopefully, you're feeling a spark of creativity now. I hope this post helped you! I have another post on How to be inspired to create art and how to find ideas for your art

Stay tuned for more!
